公 司 愿 景:做中国最优秀的滚塑供应配套商。
公 司 使 命:提升中国滚塑产业技术,促进中国滚塑产业升级,积极开发全新滚塑供应配套产品,为
公 司 精 神:诚信、敬业、创新、规范
公 司 价 值 链:顾客、员工、股东
Our Vision: To be the best supplier for China Rotational Molding industry.
Our Mission: To advance China Rotational Molding industry technology, to
promote China Rotational Molding industry upgrade, to
develop actively brand new Rotational Molding supporting
products, to create value for China Rotational Molding wares
Our Spirit: Good Faith, Respect Work, Innovation, Criterion.
Our Standard for Behavior: To get along with others, but does not necessarily agree with
them; to be sociable rather than a partisan; to be amiable when
getting success but not arrogant.
Our Value Chain: Customers; Employees; Share Holders.